Python Developer (Job ID : 09169)

Job Profile : Python Developer
Location: Hyderabad

Job Type: Internship
Seniority Level : Senior
Skills :
Data Analytics, Data Science, Python
Salary Range (Maximum) : 15,000/- 
Unit : Per month
Department : Strategy / Planning

Recruiter : Primetrade

Assessment Task:
Fetching and Analysing Top 50 Live Cryptocurrency Data
The goal of this assessment is to fetch live cryptocurrency data for the top 50 cryptocurrencies, analyze it, and present the data in a live-updating Excel sheet. The Excel sheet should continuously update with the latest cryptocurrency prices.
Assessment steps-
1- Fetch Live Data
Use a public API (e.g., CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap, or Binance API) to fetch the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization.
The data should include at least the following fields:
Cryptocurrency Name
Current Price (in USD)
Market Capitalization
24-hour Trading Volume
Price Change (24-hour, percentage)
2-Data Analysis
Perform basic analysis on the live data fetched. Your analysis should include:
Identifying the top 5 cryptocurrencies by market cap.
Calculating the average price of the top 50 cryptocurrencies.
Analyzing the highest and lowest 24-hour percentage price change among the top 50.
3-Live-Running Excel Sheet
Set Up Live Updating in Excel:
fetch live data directly into Excel from the API.
Your sheet must:
Continuously update the data (e.g., every 5 minutes).
Show the live prices and other key metrics.
4-Submission Requirements:
Python Script
Excel sheet should show live updating data. Share link also to see live updated sheet in excel.
Analysis Report: A brief report (PDF or Word) summarizing the key insights and analysis from the data fetched.
Workplace Type:
Employment Type :
Work Experience:
Skills :

Data science
Python development

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